Sport for all programmes (long term)



Programme: Is a very large job that consists of a number of projects (169) referring to similar reoccurring events. It is normally required by large institutions and will include Project Management capabilities.

Specific types of initiative this Activity Box applies to

Involvement in programmes/funds/grants supported by international cooperation

  • European Institutions (Erasmus+ European Commission, Council of Europe)
  • United Nations agencies (WHO, UNESCO, UNHCR, etc.)
  • Local governments and cooperation (e.g., Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Swiss cooperation, GIZ)

Creation of Sport for All programmes

In addition, this Activity Box offers guidelines for ISOs willing to create their own Sport for All long-term projects which can be implemented directly or through third parties.


  • EU Work Plan for Sport (2021-2017) and raised funding for Sport to 1.9% of the overall budget of the Erasmus+ programme (159).
  • The new and revamped Erasmus + programme (2021-2027) has a budget of €26.2 billion (160).

Why is it so important


  • Over the last 5 years, there is an increased trend in ISO to develop philanthropic models. ITTF Foundation, Taekwondo Foundation, FIFA Foundation, among others:
  • ISOs that do not have their own foundations often develop their own Sport for All programmes.
  • These new structures are often involved in Sport for All programmes and giving increased importance to CSR and other social activities.
  • More than ever, there are high chances to have access to funds coming from governments and international cooperation.
  • Programmes are complementary to events and offer more opportunities to foster sustainable participation and sustainable, long-term impact from the ISO and on the ISO.
  • Long-term programmes can attract the attention of partners (governments and international cooperation) given their scope (number of participants) and social impact.

International endorsement

European Parliament
Sport is an integral part of Erasmus+, the programme for Union action in education, training, youth and Sport. This programme stresses the importance of promoting topics such as ‘learning mobility of Sport staff, cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation (159).

Barriers to sport that should be overcome

  •  Lack of knowledge of existing funding and grant opportunities.
  • ISOs have reduced paid staff and Sport for All has been placed in the second level of priority. Often these actions are conducted by inexperienced volunteer individuals with limited time.
  • Sponsors are still restraint to support non-competitive events and programmes.

Tips and key success factors

  • Consultation and mobilisation of National Members and Sport clubs are key to success.
  • Stakeholder management towards creating collaborative partnerships is vital when planning to endeavour in long-term projects.
  • Direct involvement with the cooperation sector, foundations and other NGOs is a key success factor.
  • Project management capabilities may vary if compared to other SportSport-related management capabilities. It is important to get an advisory of people involved in this sort of project.
  • Managing funds (e.g., international cooperation) may imply additional requirements from the funder: proper accounting system, measurement and evaluation, audited reports, endorsement letters, etc.

Other tips

  • Perseverance is required: the first grant or allocated project coming from a government institution could be time-consuming and need a lot of efforts.
  • ISO should keep a record of key interventions to show the potential to embrace a long-term project.
  • Walking through this programme should not be done in an isolated way. Support of experts and partnerships with NGOs and the third sector is highly recommended.
  • Complimentary recommendations regarding programme management are presented in Additional Guidelines

Available resources

Erasmus+ funded references:

  •  S+4ALL – active and included. Click Here
  • European capital cities of Sport federations (ACES Europe).  Click Here
  • Projects implemented by TAFISA. Click Here

Funding institutions available

  • Erasmus+.  Click Here
  • European Solidarity Corps
  • Cohesion Policy funds
  • Corona Response Investment Initiatives (CRII, CRII+)
  • Other European Commission projects outside Erasmus +.  Click Here 


  • IOC Interactive guide “Get moving” to manage Sport for All programmes. Click Here 
  • Sport and corporate social responsibility: Why should a business be interested to invest in Sport? Click Here

Sample case

V25, Volunteering with school Sport
(ISF – International School Sport Federation and Erasmus +)

  • Here is how school Sport can make a difference!
  • The programme seeks to increase #participation and create new opportunities for the #youth.
  • Volunteering in school Sport supports the development of competencies and lifelong learning.
  • V2S is a milestone for Education through Sport.

More information:
V25, Volunteering with school Sport.  Click Here
Video of the programme.  Click Here