Capacity- building initiatives



Capacity- building initiatives: Events that aim to spread the potential Sport for All. The realization of physical activity (on site) is not the most important outcome but rather to develop drivers that enhance and increase the access to Sport and Physical Activity.

Specific types of initiative this Activity Box applies to

Other “out of the pitch forms”, that pursue educational and dissemination purposes

. Symposium
. Seminar
. Workshop
. Convention Coaching courses:
. Certification courses
. Training camps
. Multiplier events Mentoring schemes
. Non-formal trainings
. Volunteering


  • People who volunteer in Sport do various activities, most commonly organising or helping to run a sporting event (33%), followed by coaching or training (27%). (162).
  • Men are more likely than women to be coaches or trainers (30% compared with 23%). The most common age group is 40-54 age group (36%). (162)

Why is it so important


  • Excellent opportunities to disseminate research-based findings contributed by academics, universities, consultants and other groups of interest.
  • Multiplier approach considering that coaches are already managing groups in many cases.
  • These are unique opportunities for exchange knowledge but also for the exchange of connections: networking opportunities between individuals and organisations.
  • Volunteer work is a central component of Sport for All.
  • Capacity-building is crucial to raise awareness about Sport for All and its importance, increase skills to develop, promote and deliver Sport for All.

International endorsement

Commissioner Tibor: Develop the skills of Sport and fitness coaches and trainers so they are better equipped to provide motivation and support to encourage inactive people to exercise to a level beneficial to their health.

EU WORK PLAN 2017-2020: The role of coaches is a key topic that should be given priority.

Barriers to sport that should be overcome

  • Lack of qualified instructors to spread knowledge to other coaches.
  • Costs.
  • Lack of qualifications to attend a course.
  • Sport for All is often forgotten in capacity-building schemes, or lost in wider educational frameworks.
  • Lack of workforce, volunteers, managers, that are qualified in Sport for All development, promotion, delivery.

Tips and key success factors


  • Take enough time (at least 6 months) to prepare the event.
  • Length for the event: On-site activities should not be longer than 4 days and virtual events no longer than 2 days.
  • Providing networking spaces is a must. Attendees are expecting to expand their network.
  • Provide added values: a keynote speaker, an exhibition, amenities, a closing cocktail event, etc..
  • Deliver a final proceedings document that systematizes the speeches and key topics.

Coaching courses

  • Requires a formal endorsement of a competent body, if possible, of a higher education institution.
  • Coaching or methodological transfers should focus in the promotion of female coaches.
  • Mixing different contents is a pillar to offer participants a good education alternative: theoretical lectures, practical activities, external speakers, etc.
  • Selection of participants should be planned with standardised entry criteria.


  • As many coaches working voluntarily are seniors (40-54) it is important to provide updated knowledge and capabilities that may be useful for managing younger groups.
  • New technologies offer alternatives to reach broader audiences. Consider always virtual backups of the events and the other real-time ways to spread educational content such as streaming or online podcasts.
  • Offer printed and digital handouts of main contents.
  • Multiplier (coaching) events that involve children should require the authorization of parents.
  •  Volunteer work is a central component of Sport for All. It is highly important to install more technical capacities for the success of Sport for All interventions.

Please also consider:
Appendix 3: additional guidelines for this type of event.
Additional guideline 8: provide recommendations regarding the event management process.

Available resources


Coaching certified courses:

TAFISA certified leadership courses. Click Here

She Runs workshop. Click Here

Other capacity-building models
TREE model (for Teaching Styles, Rules, Environment, Equipment). Click Here to learn more

Sample case

Basketball Without Borders (BWB)
(Fédération Internationale de basket-ball)

  • Four-day camp, which brings together the basketball grassroots.
  • It encourages campers to build long-lasting relationships with their fellow teammates and coaches.
  • To provide grassroots across continents an opportunity to get together for new experiences and learn life-skills through camping.

More information:
Featured Videos. Click Here
Project official page. Click Here