Skill award scheme

Why is it so important

  • Dealing with competitiveness is perhaps one of the most underestimated constraints to Sport participation. Many people are prevented from enrolling in a Club or a Sport Event
  • There is a higher percentage of drop out in children and youths. As a result of unchallenging environments or the other way around when their competitive level is far below that of the other participants. This also affects adults when they are willing to explore a new Sport but lacking experience and skills in it
  • According to the Sport and the conditions of a participant, S4A promoters should see the best options to keep them involved

What you will find here

Different approaches to recognise the Sport level of participants as a means to keep them engaged in tournaments and programmes

Who can apply this

  • ISOs working immersed in S4A events
  • Event organisers
  • Coaches


Award Scheme: Encourage and praise effort

Promote participation with small rewards such as medals or diplomas. This is also important to bring relief at an emotional level in vulnerable groups. Some examples applicable to our core target groups are:

  • Women and Girls: Publicly honour young women based on leadership, performance and initiative.
  • Gender Equity: In case of Sport groups of mixed gender, also publicly honour boys in a balanced way, so they do not feel mistreated, jealous, etc.
  • Veterans: Complement Sport for All activities with spaces such as mentoring where this participant can be recognised and be role models.
Tip: The Skills Award Scheme.
  • Reward adults and young participants according to the level of progress instead of results
  • The Scheme provides recognition and motivation for our young players as they improve, giving them a target to aim for and an indication of their skill development
  • Do not focus only on Sport accomplishments but on all that is related to the effort: attendance, level of motivation, attitude toward the group, etc.

Other Award Schemes: Badges Scheme

  • This system is also effective in setting short-term Sport training goals to gradually improve participants’ skills.
  • It also encourages athletes with outstanding performance to continue with advanced training (170) Additional information: Badges Award Scheme. Click here

Ranking systems

  • Both in individual and collective Sport, ranking systems is a double-sided weapon. On the one hand, it can keep participants involved but can also discourage other individuals.
  • Rankings are also relevant as it creates clusters of participants with similar competitive levels
    • Sport where rankings are functional:
    • Chess (ELO system): Click here
  • USTA ranking system: Click here
  • This strategy should be analysed in accordance with the competitive level of participants and the type of Sport
  • To know more about ranking system:  Click here

Awards and recognition at an institutional level

As it occurs with participants, ISOs should motivate their clubs, and members through awards and recognition. This will increase the level of commitment of the organisations involved in spreading Sport for All.

See examples: