Educational institutions



Educational institution:  Any formal organisation that offers professional education. It is a community where different groups are interrelated: students, teachers, parents, etc. Whereas not every education institution possesses a full Sport campus, they may likely have at least an indoor facility that could be devoted or adapted for Sport purposes.

Specific venues this Activity Box applies to

  • Any type of Educational institution including Universities, High Schools and Primary Schools, Sport Institutes and Other non-formal tertiary education in the following forms:
  • A part of Physical Education curriculum (Kindergarten, high schools and sometimes universities undergraduate level)
  • Extracurricular activities: Clubs and teams offered to students as complimentary spaces.
  • Out of curriculum activities: Use of facilities to other groups (alumni, other relatives) in non-scholar hours.
  • It covers both indoors and outdoors venues (Appendix 3, covers a complete delimitation of the spaces that an educational institution can offer)


  • Around 76.2 million pupils and students enrolled in schools and pre-schools in the EU across these education levels (117).
  • There are 2,465 higher education institutions in Europe hosting over 17 million students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level (118)

Why is it so important


For students and pupils.

  • Physical Education illiteracy.
  • Direct impact on pupil’s health and mental well-being.
  • Increases the level of attachment to its community.
  • Children and teenagers spend most of their time here. It is a structured environment where access to them is easy and introducing Sport for All is easy

For other groups

  • Unlike other types or venues, a university or school hosts large populations in the same place, including students, former students, parents and teachers.
  • A functional and appealing facility could easily attract people to involve in Sport for All activities.
  • Educational Institutions offer ISOs new spaces where Sport can be practiced. It stands as a good alternative when organizing tournaments or exhibitions.

International endorsement

UN SDG No.4:

Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments.

Barriers to sport that should be overcome

  • Indoor facilities not providing adequate services such as appropriate dressing rooms.
  • Some private Education Institutions are unwilling to host other groups to use Sport facilities.
  • Limited time to use facilities during lecturing periods considering the high demand a university or preparatory school may have.
  • Restrictive understanding of Sport or Physical Education.
  • Gap between educational institutions and other venues such as Sport clubs.

Tips and key success factors

Additional Facilities

  • Differentiated spaces (changing rooms/bathrooms) according to gender.
  • Equipment and accessibility for children with disabilities.
  • Other services: rent of lockers, towels, snacks, drinks

How to increase the use of Educational Institution venues

  • Develop a sense of community cohesion by integrating different groups: students, former students, parents and teachers. Alumni tournaments are one idea to integrate a school/university community.
  • Offer after school alternatives for pupils/students.
  • Exchange Sport events with other educational institutions not only for pupils/students but also for other community members such as.
  • Open spaces for graduated students and their families or friends to use the Sport facilities.

Adapted Rules to maximize the use of Sport equipment and facilities
Please go to Additional Guidelines 7

Preventing injuries and accidents in events or regular training sessions
Please go to Additional Guidelines 7

Other tips:

  • Keep spaces always clean.
  • Create good atmospheres.
  • Create protocols in case of emergency.
  • Secure places to store personal belongings.
  • Define schedules according to different competitive levels to avoid.
  • Creation of collaborative partnerships that involve schools, council and ISOs. . As with Sport clubs, be creative to organize different events: festivals, exhibitions and tournaments. Module 3 “Different TIMEFRAMES & SCOPES OF PROJECTS”, cover different event alternatives.
  • Active Play can also be encouraged.
  •  Create bridges between educational institutions and Sport clubs, teachers and volunteers/coaches with the skills to support them, and school and after-school activities happening in and outside school.

Available resources

Children safeguarding in schools.  Click Here
Ministry of Finance of Hungary supports the construction of facilities across the country (123)

Sample case

100 Football Tables for Schools
(International Table Soccer Federation)

  • The project “100 Foosball for Schools” aims at giving access to physical activity to all youth by developing and expanding the daily practice of table soccer in schools.
  • To reach this goal, the ITSF supports the implementation of 100 foosball tables in 100 schools in each participating country.
  • In cooperation with table manufacturers, as well as governmental and non-governmental organisations, the national federation approaches corporate funders, which cover the costs to equip a school. In supporting the implementation of Foosball tables in schools, the ITSF wishes to promote a healthy form of recreation and leisure, and conveying our Sport’s values to the youngest: competition, effort, character-building, well-being and fair play.
  • The scope of this project is not limited to schools but could also serve as a means to connect people with other entities such as hospitals and other institutions whose goals are to contribute to children’s educational well-being.

More information:
Project page. Click Here


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