UCI Cycling for All Side Events Toolkit



Cycling races provide an ideal arena for the hosting of side events that encourage more cycling in all forms. This toolkit provides advice and recommendations for event organisers interested in developing such side events.

Target group(s)
  • Children (3-12)
  • Elderly (60+)
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • People with disabilities
  • Women and Girls
  • Youth (13-18)
  • Development and Peace
  • Health and Well-being
  • Increase sport participation
Type(s) of initiative
  • Sport for All resources & Toolkits


The hosting of cycling for all side events events not only strengthens the passion for cycling amongst local populations and spetc.ators, but also encourages more everyday cycling. This toolkit provides advice and recommendations for event organisers interested in developing such side events.

Success Factors
& Achievements

  1. Helping to reinforce the role of cycling as a provider of socio-economic benefits such as social inclusion, reduced air pollution, improved public health and sustainable travel
  2. Events for children providing a gateway into active competitive cycling later in life, and can help spark a lifelong passion for the sport
  3. Strengthening the legacy of the event for the wider public
  4. Fostering a greater sense of inclusion and passion for the elite event in the host community
  5. Strengthening the attractiveness of the event to local political leaders, given rising interest amongst policy makers in promoting active mobility and healthy lifestyles
  6. Making the race more attractive for spetc.ators – offering more activities for the entire family

and Participants


  • Sport Clubs, Educational Institutions, Private spaces, Public spaces (parks, beaches, etc.), Other venues (workplace, home, etc.)
Maximum of participants
  • no limit defined
Actual number of participants
  • no information



  • 1 to 5

Equipment and Facilities

  • The resources required will depend on the type of Cycling for All side event delivered