Rolling Bowls aims to gather and contextualize all initiatives that have responded positively to CCB objectives:
Each individual should be given the opportunity to practice the sport according to their needs.
Operate according to the principles of the International Sport Organization in accordance with the Olympic Charter and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Develop organisational models tailored to competitive, entertaining, educational and intercultural targets.
Attract and keep active the attention of all media on the role of the sport of Bowls in the social context as an integration and specific tool for psychomotor recovery and social integration;
….. and decline them in a specific and homogeneous national program, which includes both organizations and users.
Target group(s)
Children (3 – 12)
Elderly (60+)
People with disabilities
Development and peace
Increase sport participation
Type(s) of initiative
Coaching and dissemination
Non-competitive Sport for All
Goals/ Aim/Mission
Reach goals within 6 months for local action plans
Success Factors & Achievements
Joint design
Delivery according to local and historical practice
Venue and Participants
Educational Institutions, Public spaces (parks, beaches, etc.)