
International and European Sport Organisations (ISOs) are at the core of the sport delivery systems in Europe and worldwide, the governing bodies of their respective sport disciplines.

INTERACT+ (International and European Sport Organisations Activating Citizens Plus ) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It aims to enhance the tools and resources built by its predecessor project, INTERACT, to complement ISO activities and support them in developing Sport for All. In addition, it will continue the work done by INTERACT to position ISOs as critical leaders of the Sport for All and physical activity movement and effectively contribute to a change of paradigm and delivery system within the sports movement. INTERACT+ builds on the learnings, results and deliverables of its predecessor project, IESOAC/INTERACT.


To gather ISOs and develop a new delivery system that places participation in Sport for All and physical activity at its core

Increase ISOs and their members participation in Sport for All and HEPA , specifically targeting inactive , underprivileged groups and people who are interested in sports but do not enrol in clubs

To highlight and promote to ISOs and NFs the benefits and ROI Sport for All has for them and the communities around them

To support ISOs develop their own Sport for All policies, strategies, structures and practical activities

Ultimately, to activate citizens !