Other venues ( workplace, home, etc.)



Other venues:  Alternative nonrestrictive locations that do not require a membership/entry fee. This includes private areas such as home based activities including common areas in courtyards, buildings or condominiums; workplace or public sites such as public parks and cycling roads.

Specific venues this Activity Box applies to

Mainly to alternative unrestrictive locations that do not require a membership/entry fee:

Private areas

  • Home-based activities, including common areas in courtyards, buildings or condominiums
  • Workplace

Public locations (non-regulated)

  • Public parks and beaches.
  • Streets (running) and cycling roads.
  • Forests and other natural resources** (excepting those that are subject to control, E.g., national protected area)


  • New popular trends in Sport involvement include an increase in individual activities such as running or yoga (128)
  • 80% of employees are willing to do Sport. However, only 7% of businesses would encourage their employees to practice Sport at work. (135).
  • Up to a 14% improvement of employees’ net profitability compared to an inactive, desk-bound employee.
  • 7 to 9% of annual health costs could be saved if employees exercised at least 30 minutes a day (135)

Why is it so important


  • COVID19 outbreak, with its social distancing consequences, opened up new ways to perform physical activity and Sport in home areas.
  • Walking is the simplest, easiest and most affordable way of involvement in Sport.
  • Cycling to work is not only a good form of exercise. It also contributes to sustainability.
  • Sport provides excellent opportunities to share, enjoy and increase thighs with close relationships: family, friends, workmates, neighbours, etc.
  •  At workplaces, devoting some time to Sport may improve colleague relationships, teamwork and motivation. Employees are less likely to become sick.(134)

International endorsement

Council of Europe- European sport charter (2001):

Sport can bring positive effects on human beings in personal and social development through creative activities.


Traditional Sport games and new Sport should actively be recognized and promoted as an excellent tool to tackle many challenges of today.

Barriers to sport that should be overcome

  • Ignorance of the vast possibilities of physical activity that are available: Sport adaptations, traditional games, etc.
  • Lack of Sport areas in neighbourhoods or workplace.
  • Lack of awareness and skills at workplace level.

Tips and key success factors

Importance of personal trainers

  • Whereas the web offers abundant information and resources regarding physical activity and Sport such as tutorials, webinars, master classes, among others.
  • When a person performs physical activity alone, potential risk factors such as injuries (e.g., misuse of weights in case of fitness) should be prevented. A good alternative could be to hire a part-time personal coach.
  • Personal coaches should be supportive not only on a physical level but on a personal and emotional level as well.

The pleasure and benefits of walking

  • Walking is the easiest and cheapest form to be well worked out. It offers a wide-ranging benefit, including better physical and mental health, increased mindfulness and enhanced communication skills. (133)
  • Shoes are important and could prevent potential injuries.
  • Chose adequate roads and select distances according to your physical level.
  • Enjoy a good walk with your most favourite music.

Security measures

Whether a participant has a walk in a nearby forest or a cycle ride in town, some measures should be adopted:

  • Know regulations beforehand, e.g., velocity limits.
  • If you go out alone, inform your relatives where you are going. An unexpected situation can always occur.
  • Try to wear appropriate clothes.
  • Having good levels of water is also important. Keep always an extra bottle of water.

Sport at home

  • Homes as places where people spend the most of their time, family time, and virtuous circles can be created.
  • Be creative: Take advantage of material you have at home to create amazing moments with kids.
  •  When possible, involve family and friends. This will increase the enjoyment for all.
  • If doing physical activity alone, try to find a comfortable and appropriate space to work out.
  • Provide online workouts, tutorials, videos on how to engage in the Sport.
  • Provide guidance on where the Sport can be played (Sport clubs), who to contact, etc.

Sport in the Workplace (135)

  • These are places where working-age adults spend most of their time besides home. It is a structured environment where access to them is easy and introducing Sport for All and PA is possible.
  • Sport activities could be organised outside the walls of the business, in group classes, given by a Sport teacher outside the employee’s place of work.
  • Most popular Sport are yoga, stretching, and running. . Businesses should provide a suitable place (e.g. table tennis, table, an indoor football pitch, a boxing ring).
  • Discuss with HR managers to have “active pauses” or hours off to participate in physical activity.
  • Think of creating company Sport clubs and offering the opportunity to employees to train and compete under the name of the company.
  • Provide opportunities and incentives, e.g. bike parking lots, showers, use of stairs instead of elevators.

Other tips

  • Encourage the creation of groups of runners, walkers or bike riders to join in group activities.
  • Walking/running/hiking combined with other pleasure activities such as shopping in a mall or touring a new destination can bring double rewards: fitness and amusement.
  •  Develop mechanisms to assess the impact of Sport practice on employees’ productivity.
    . Do not Neglect all the security measures described above.

Available resources

Sample case

Every table can be a table tennis table
(ITTF Foundation)

  • One of the major obstacles to table tennis practise is the absence of material available, and the difficulty to acquire tables for local organisations.
  • A local production allows an almost neutral ecological print, while worldwide shipping of tables has an ecological impact.
  • After developing a manual of how to build 5 models of handcrafted tables, the goal is now to create pedagogical content that enables us to provide theoretical knowledge and a practical workshop in building handcrafted tables given over a 5 to 7 days period.

More information:
Project web page.  Click Here


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