ORPHAN: A child whose parents are dead or have abandoned them. Other references refer to orphans when they are uncompanioned in any form.
Children up to 16 years old in one of these scenarios living:
The immediate and long-term damage caused by family separation and unsuitable alternative care brings negative consequences. Sport can provide unique contributions to these scenarios:
International endorsement:
UNICEF Universal Rights of Children:
Every child has a right to leisure, play, and participation in cultural and artistic activities
WHO Global action plan on physical activity
Activity 3.3: In partnership with education, health and child-care sectors, implement programmes aimed at families, parents and caregivers to develop the skills to help young children enjoy active play and explore within the family environment.
Safeguarding in Sport:
Role of a coach as alternative caregivers:
Approach of activities:
Other Tips
Slavata Triathlon Tours
More information:
Video of the event Click Here