The INTERACT+ Capacity-Building Framework is designed to train, qualify and empower International Sport Organisations, their Continental and National Federations and local sport clubs to become Sport for All leaders worldwide. The framework is in the process of being updated to align with the current research and needs of organisations.

By placing Sport for All and physical activity development and promotion at the core of their activities, organisations will in turn increase participation in their sports and disciplines – ultimately gaining new members – as well as improve their visibility, reputation and recognition.

The past decades have witnessed the rise of a number of challenges that have shaken the world of sport:

  • Informal Sport for All practices are on the rise – a trend even strengthened by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • International Sport Organisations (ISOs), their national federations and local members (e.g. sport clubs) struggle to attract inactive citizens and those participants who are interested in their sport but do not find appropriate opportunities.
  • Levels of sports and physical activity participation are dropping worldwide, propagating in return dramatic social, economic and health consequences across society

ISOs, their continental, national and local members are in a privileged position to design and develop solutions to those challenges. Yet, they only scarcely address Sport for All development, which is often misunderstood and consequently lacks capacity.

Solving the challenges that the sport movement itself is facing, as well as the physical inactivity pandemic, cannot be dissociated from a sustainable and socially responsible approach to sport that places the human, citizens, their needs and expectations at the centre of sport and physical activity delivery.

The INTERACT+ Capacity-Building Framework supports ISOs, their continental, national and local members in this endeavour, providing them with the tools to understand and fulfil their societal role as well as increase sport participation.

  • Raise the awareness of ISOs, their continental, national and local members, about the significance of Sport for All and physical activity and the role they can play
  • Create sport ecosystems where all levels (international, national, local) strive to increase participation in Sport for All and physical activity
  • Empower ISOs, their continental and national members and stakeholders, to increase participation by  placing Sport for All and physical activity promotion at the core of all their activities, at political, structural and operational levels.
  • Provide ISOs with a service that they can share and offer to their own continental, national and local members
  • Create a platform for knowledge & experience-sharing between ISOs, as well as their continental, national and local members
  • Support ISOs, their continental, national and local members to use the INTERACT Toolkit and join the INTERACT project.

The INTERACT+ Capacity-Building Framework has been tailored to answer the needs and expectations of leaders, decision-makers, staff and leading volunteers of International Sport Organisations and their continental, national and local affiliates and federations.

Here is what to expect from the INTERACT capacity-building framework:

  • Develop a common understanding among your team, volunteers and members, of what Sport for All is
  • Discover the power of Sport for All to boost your organisation’s growth
  • Explore how you can contribute to increasing participation in sport, fostering sustainable development and leaving a positive social footprint
  • Evaluate how good you are doing in developing & promoting Sport for All
  • Analyse the challenges and opportunities, needs and expectations of your organisation and your members in the field of Sport for All
  • Reflect on the governance of your organisation and how to position Sport for All in your structures and policy papers
  • Define Sport for All priorities and solutions adapted to your human and financial capacity
  • Think how to adapt your sport offer depending on target groups, purpose, venues and types of activities
  • Learn from good practices of other International Sport Organisations, national federations and sport clubs
  • Brainstorm Sport for All initiatives, programmes and/or events that you could develop
  • Find out how to develop a low cost/high impact approach to Sport for All and Sport for All activities, ensuring a positive return on investment
  • Make use of the INTERACT+ Toolkit

ISOs, continental and national sport federations and local sports clubs participating in the INTERACT+ Capacity-Building workshop will:

  • Train, qualify, empower and build capacity of their leaders, staff and volunteers
  • Increase the visibility, reputation and recognition of their organisation
  • Improve their governance in Sport for All
  • Develop and train leaders and managers in Sport for All
  • Offer a new service to their members
  • Build cooperation with their members and increase understanding of their members’ needs and expectations
  • Expand the horizon of their Sport for All activities
  • Pave the way towards increasing sport participation and gaining new members
  • Become part of the global Sport for All Movement, joining the TAFISA network of 400+ organisations and gaining access to experts in countless fields related to Sport for All
  • Exchange knowledge and experiences with experts and representatives from other International Sport Organisations
  • Receive a participation certificate






Step 1 – Advocacy

A 30-minute to 1h high-level meeting between an INTERACT leader and host organisation’s decision-maker(s).
  • Raise the awareness of the ISO’s or continental/national federation’s leadership about the power of Sport for All and physical activity for their organisation’s and sports’/disciplines’ growth
  • Raise the awareness of the organisation’s leadership of the role their organisation can play and what they can do to develop Sport for All and physical activity
  • Review the aims and expected results of the Capacity-Building Framework and how it could help the ISO, continental/national federation and/or their members
  • Understand the ISO’s or continental/national federation’s priorities and concerns
  • Clarify any questions or uncertainties
  • Receive commitment of the organisation’s leadership in undergoing the INTERACT capacity-building activities
  • General presentation of the INTERACT project and Capacity-Building Framework
  • Discuss the importance of building capacity in Sport for All
  • Discuss the ISO’s or continental/national federation’s vision and mission, how Sport for all aligns and contributes, and what this Capacity-building framework could bring.
  • Talk about Sport for All’s current position and activities within the host organisation
  • Define next steps

Step 2 – Diagnostic

The INTERACT capacity-building framework’s manager and nominated responsible contact point(s) in the host ISO or continental/national federation evaluate and identify the host organisation’s challenges, opportunities, needs, expectations, priorities and objectives in the field of Sport for All through:
1. A self-evaluation questionnaire
2. A 1hr online or onsite working meeting
  • Reflect upon the host organisation’s current activities and how Sport for All could support it and its members
  • Develop a joint understanding of the host organisation’s challenges, opportunities, needs, expectations, priorities and objectives in the field of Sport for All
  • Define the aims and expected results of the capacity-building framework and specifically step 3 – the training
  • Identify the target group of the training
  • General presentation of the INTERACT project and Capacity-Building Framework
  • An online self-evaluation questionnaire for the host ISO or continental/national federation to fill in. The questionnaire includes questions about the host organisation’s statutes and policy papers, structure, strategy, vision, mission, objectives, Sport for All programmes and events, etc.
  • A 1h working meeting to discuss the questionnaire’s results and the training’s structure, format, programme, target group/s and organisational requirements
  • The meeting is followed-up by a written proposal from the INTERACT team to the host organisation

Note: this diagnostic step and self-evaluation questionnaire is at this stage targeting the host organisation individually. In step 3 , all participants are also requested  to fill in the same self-evaluation questionnaire prior to the training, in order to engage them in initial reflections and provide the facilitators with knowledge of their situation.

Step 3 - Training

A 2-day training, onsite or online, delivered to 10 to 30 participants from the agreed target group(s). When online, the training can be split over various days and do not necessarily need to take place entirely within 2 consecutive days.
  • Brainstorm with participants on the current activities of their organisation(s) and how Sport for All could be included
  • Train the staff and leading volunteers of the ISO and/or continental/national federations and their members to integrate Sport for All and physical activity as part of their activities
  • Support participants to develop Sport for All policies, strategies, initiatives, programmes, events…
  • Share knowledge & experience
  • Engage into a thinking process towards impacting the future with and through Sport for All
  • Clarify any questions, concerns or uncertainties

Sport for All in an International Environment

About the INTERACT Project
The Global Sport for All Movement
What is Sport for All and why it is so important
Rapidly evolving social and environmental issues: TAFISA Mission 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
The role of Sport for All in society: institutional frameworks (IOC, UNESCO, WHO, EU…)
The role of ISOs and/or continental/national sport federations and their members to promote & develop Sport for All, and contribute to achieving the UN SDGs
Reflections upon self-evaluation questionnaires filled in by participants prior to the training
Knowledge & Experience Sharing between participants

Designing Sport for All Initiatives

Introduction to INTERACT Toolkit

Sport for All Target Groups – Focus on 4 target groups to be selected among:

  • Children
  • Youth
  • Women and Girls
  • Elderly Persons
  • LGBTQ+ Community
  • Homeless persons
  • Indigenous groups
  • Inhabitants of emergency areas
  • Refugees and displaced persons
  • Orphans
  • Persons with a disability
  • Prisoners
  • Slum dwellers
  • Veterans

Contents include background information, quick wins, success factors, do’s & don’ts, where to start…

Sport for All Purposes – Focus on 2/3 purposes to be selected among:

  • Health and well-being
  • Social inclusion
  • Gender equity
  • Economic impact
  • Development and peace
  • Diplomacy

Contents include background information, quick wins, success factors, do’s & don’ts, where to start…


Delivery Format 1: Build organisational capacity within 1 organisation

The workshop builds on the group work already completed during Modules 1 to 3. Depending on the number of participants, they will be split in different groups.

Part 1: Needs Analysis

Participants reflect on the organisation’s and its members’ status quo in the field of Sport for All: policy, strategy & operations. Priorities are set as a result

Part 2: Way Forward

Participants brainstorm ideas of what actions could be taken to promote/develop Sport for All, based on identified priorities, needs and capacity. Design of an action plan

Delivery Format 2: Build capacity of multiple organisations within the ISO’s sport/discipline

The workshop builds on the group work already completed during Modules 1 to 3.

Part 1: Reflection

Participants individually perform a SWOT analysis of their organisation in the field of Sport for All. They identify needs and expectations (towards their continental/national federations and/or ISO) to better promote/develop Sport for All.

Part 2: Round Table

In groups, participants share the results of their reflections and exchange. Good practices and success factors are discussed.

Part 3: Designing solutions

Groups brainstorm solutions for how Sport for All could be better promoted/developed within their sport/disciplines, including:

  • A potential international framework led by their governing ISO
  • A support/solidarity system whereby national federations and sport clubs within the same sport/disciplines help/support each other

Structuring Sport for All within a Sport Organisation

Motivations to promote Sport for All
Leadership and Management in Sport for All
Policy-making: the importance of Sport for All in statutes & policy papers
Building a Sport for All Strategy: Do’s & Don’ts, Tips & Tricks
Sport for All initiatives within an organisation’s portfolio: programmes, events, communications & PR
The Sport for All Legacy of Major Sports Events
Adapting a sport/discipline to target groups: the TREE Model
Group Work, Knowledge & Experience Sharing between participants

Designing Sport for All Initiatives

Sport for All Venues – Focus on 2/3 venues to be selected among:

  • Sport clubs
  • Educational institutions
  • Private spaces
  • Public spaces
  • Virtual spaces
  • Other venues (workplace, home, etc.)

Contents include background information, quick wins, success factors, do’s & don’ts, where to start…

Sport for All Timeframes & Scopes of Projects

Focus on 2/3 types of Sport for All initiatives to be selected among:

  • Professional sport events
  • Competitive non-professional events
  • Non-competitive sport events
  • Capacity-building initiatives
  • Advocacy events
  • Sport for All existing frameworks
  • Designing Sport for All programmes (long-term)

Contents include background information, quick wins, success factors, do’s & don’ts, where to start…

Sharing of good practice examples & success factors
Group work, knowledge & experience-sharing between participants

Participants in the INTERACT Training will receive certificates of participation attesting their capacity-building in Sport for All. They will also receive all presentations following the workshop and be able to optimise their use of the INTERACT Toolkit

The costs for organisations interested in taking part in the INTERACT Capacity-building framework are very affordable, especially if representatives from different (mother, daughter or sister) organisations join forces together and share them.

The costs include :

  • Administration fee for the preparation and coordination of the capacity-building framework & training
  • Transport, accommodation and subsistence costs for the facilitators delivering on-site trainings.
  • Honoraria of the training facilitators

Please contact us for more information.

Interested in participating in the INTERACT Capacity-building framework? Please write to us at

Our team will contact you back and suggest a first meeting.

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